Tuesday, January 22, 2008

St Valentine day valenitne gifts quotes ideas

February the month of love is comming. Also most waited day for lovers Saint Valentines day is few weeks away. Countdown for Valentine day has begun. All of you must have some ideas for valentine day. You must be purchasing Valenitne day cards valentine day gifts, send flowers on valentine day or must be some other valentine day idea will be there in your mind. So all the very best to all of you on valentine day. Enjoy the day of love for lovers. I am also planning to write some special love quotes rather special valentine day quotes at this blog till 14 Febraury

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Popluar post at love quotes blog

Hi all,

I was just checking my blog stats, not all but few of my posts got good response from my friends, online visitors to love quotes blog. Heres the lik to some of the most popular posts at http://luvquotes.blogspot.com

Best Sorry Quotes
Valentine day quotes
Write-up on Sahaja Yoga, Kundalini, and Chakras

Positive love quotes

Sad love quotes

Happy Valentines Day

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Love life vs Married life : Love before and after marriage

Its most often heard that your lover tends to get changed after marriage. Do you feel the same that your lover has changed OR you are at the other end and your husband of wife is blaming you that you are not the same person you were before the marriage? In case you agree with it or you are still planning to get married, please take a look at the cure quotes below that compares the love life before and after marriage. I hope you like these.

  • Love is holding hands in the street. Marriage is holding arguments in the street. 
  •  Love is cuddling on a sofa. Marriage is one of them sleeping on a sofa.
  • Love is talking about having children. Marriage is talking about getting away from children.
  • Love is going to bed early. Marriage is going to sleep early.
  • Love is losing your appetite.Marriage is losing your figure.
  • Love is sweet nothing in the ear. Marriage is sweet nothing in the bank.
  • TV has no place in love. Marriage is a fight for remote control.
  • Love is 1 drink and 2 straws. Marriage is "Don't you think you've had enough!". 
Conclusion: "Love is blind , Marriage is an eye opener!" 

Friday, January 04, 2008

Best commment ever to my sweet love quotes blog

Hi all,

I am so very much happy today. As I logged in to my blogger account today one two comments were under moderation and they were the bestesr comments I ever got to my bolgs. comments were from gal named Priya here are her commnets:

Anonymous Priya said...

Just superb!!! thanks!!

My fiancee forgived me and he was very very happy reading it.

3:30 AM
Anonymous Priya said...

Superb!! Thanks a Lot!!!

My fianceee has forgived me after i send this comment.

He was very very happy

Thanks a ton :)

Comments were made to one of my post at love quotes blog: Named 20 sweet lovely sorry quotes, sorry cards reallly nice quotes to say sorry to someone you care.

Heres the link:

I wish her all the very best with her love life. hope nothing goes wrong coz its hard to be hated by someone you love.